I’m tearing up typing this and I’ve barely started, but this is super important to share for the sake of spreading awareness about women’s health and hormones, so bear with me.
It was February 22, 2018. I hadn’t gotten a period for over 6 months since going off of birth control, so my gynecologist had referred me to an endocrinologist and it was my follow up appointment to review my hormone test results. I’ll never forget the words that came out of the doctor’s mouth. She told me that I had PCOS [Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome] although I didn’t “fit the bill” of the stereotypical PCOS profile because weight gain and rapid hair growth in unusual places are two indicators and I didn’t have either [her words, not mine]. She told me I wouldn’t be able to get my period back on my own and I needed to go back on birth control. She told me there was a chance I would have trouble having children when the time came…and naturally, the tears began to stream down my face. She wrote up a prescription for birth control and I left the office with full intentions of picking it up later that day.
When I got into my car, I remember sitting there and just crying. Not being able to have kids? I was 26 years-young at the time. How could that be so? I don’t know what intuitive ping went off inside me in that moment, but I decided I was going to get second and third opinions and never picked up the birth control that day…or ever. I saw a Holistic Nutritionist and she said “I’m not seeing PCOS here” when viewing the same results. I did more tests with a Functional Medicine Doctor and while my gut had the highest levels of inflammation he had seen all year and my hormones were low, he didn’t see markers for PCOS either. Both told me that they had full confidence that I’d get my period back naturally as we healed my gut and that birth control was not the answer, but it was going to take dedication and time for my body to rebuild.
Fast forward to now, May 2, 2019, and I have a period for the third time this year. Cue the happy sobs. I’m sharing this story with you because so often [particularly when it comes to women’s health], we are told things by medical professionals and we neglect our inner knowing. If something inside of you is saying ‘get a second opinion’, I truly encourage you to listen. On February 22, 2018, my health could’ve gone two extremely different directions…and I am so, so grateful for the path I chose. My gut is still healing, but my body is bouncing back so beautifully and this health journey of mine has been my greatest teacher yet. Cliff notes: trust your inner knowing and be persistent as hell with your health.
In wholeness and with lots of love,