Come home to yourself on the four corners of your space.

On-demand, private, and corporate yoga options available to tend to the every-changing needs of your body, mind, and heart.

This practice has brought so much peace, grounding, joy, and presence into my life and I can't wait to share it with you.

Browse on-demand classes

Unlimited On-Demand Yoga Library Subscription | $20/month

Individual Classes | $10/class

Feel supported by your practice wherever you are, whenever you need it. The on-demand Yoga Library is the home of a variety of 250+ classes ranging from restorative goodness to fiery vinyasa flows for you to enjoy on your own time. Browse the library, purchase a class individually, or sign up for the Unlimited On-Demand Library subscription for unlimited access to all on-demand practices. 

On-Demand Classes


$150/60-Minute In-person Session
$120/60-Minute Virtual Session

*Class Packs Available*

Whether you're a long-time practitioner or practicing yoga for the first time, be met right where you are with private instruction thoughtfully tailored to you,  your needs, and your goals class-to-class, moment-to-moment. Private sessions are truly so near and dear to my heart and just make my heart beam! Feel fully seen and supported on your mat and infuse your daily life with self-care, grounding, joy, and peace. You deserve it. Schedule your session today!

Private Sessions

get in touch

Infuse your workspace with mindfulness, support the well-being of your employees through stress reduction and improved immune function, and increase productivity by making yoga a part of your employee benefits. Bringing yoga and mindful well-being into your workplace uniquely positions you to support both your employee’s health and your bottom line, and corporations such as AT&T, Chase, Manhattan Bank, NASA, Sony, HBO, Apple, Toyota, and Nike have already seen the benefits of yoga in effect. Virtual and in-person yoga sessions, wellness workshops, and event options are here for you. I can’t wait to support the health and well-being of you and your team! 

Corporate Yoga & Wellness

let's connect
