Scenario 1: You get out of work and you feel super stressed. The day was awful, people were mean, you barely had time to eat lunch because a project you’ve been working you butt off on took a turn for the worse, and you’re just plain tired. You leave work, spot a dominos across the street and think to yourself ‘I’m starving, I’ll get a pizza, take it home with me, and only have a slice or two…it’s no big deal.’
You get the pizza, take it home to your empty apartment, turn on the TV, and before you know it, you’ve eaten the entire thing. Your stomach is aching, you feel even more tired, and now, just to add to it, you’re sad, too.
Scenario 2: Let me paint a new picture for you. You have the same rough day at work, but you packed a nutrient-dense meal and a few snacks that you prepped the night before. Even though you barely had time for lunch, you were at least able to nourish yourself with quality fuel. You get out of work and you’re still tired, but your blood sugar is balanced, so you head home to eat the leftover roasted veggies and protein you prepped and you’re able to build a meal in minutes.
You take a few deep breaths, eat your meal with the TV OFF to stay mindful, and call a friend after dinner to vent about work. You’re still tired, but you ate well, connected with someone who cares, and can go to bed with a balanced blood sugar and a clear mind to take on whatever the next day sends your way.
Meal prep is not about getting skinny, it’s about nourishing your mind, body, and soul to keep you functioning at your best so you can take on whatever this life offers up.
If these scenarios hit home for you, I’m always here to guide you towards days that feel good. I love you & you got this. I know you do.
Spring mix lettuce
Raw mushrooms
Garden fresh yellow tomatoes
Golden potatoes
Yellow tomatoes
Leftover wild salmon
@go_raw sprouted Fiesta Seeds
2-ingredient dressing: @wegmans Jalapeño Hummus + apple cider vinegar
In wholeness and with lots of love,