Hello from a social media-less me! As you may know, I’m in the midst of a little break from social media to cultivate more space in my day-to-day, so I thought it would be wise to share what I’ve learned thus far with those who are curious.  For some food for thought to get […]


October 31, 2019

My Social Media Break ~ What I’ve Noticed Thus Far

  Picture this. You’re sitting on your sofa and you’re feeling sick to your stomach. You just ate dinner, turned on the TV and decided to go downstairs to the vending machine of your apartment building because why not get a few snacks? You get a “healthier” chip option (Lays baked potato chips to be […]

Emotional Eating, Mindfulness

October 31, 2019

What to do After an Emotional Eating Episode: 5 Simple Steps

let's connect
